This article from the online entity of Science , published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, is yet more proof of ...
THE REAL ORIGIN OF SPECIES — BIODEVELOPMENT — by NOBILANGELO CERAMALUS (pronounced noble- arn -jillo kerra- mar -liss) Member of the Americ...
Using very fine electrodes, researchers have revealed some of the astonishing processing-power of a single human neuron. Full story at ht...
This article gets close to saying what this blog has been saying for years . Bio-molecular logic and processing operates over the aeons to ...
Bio-molecules are network processors. A cell is a collection of molecular network processors. The individual processing is affected by the b...
As this blog has been saying for years, the so-called 'junk' DNA is not junk. To use computer terms, DNA is CPU, RAM, disk drive, o...
The process of transcribing DNA instructions into proteins has now been found to be a lot smarter than previously imagined. A detailed com...